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Writer's pictureSaffron Amatti

Author Interview: Chloë L Blyth

Today, I'm joined by fantasy-romance author Chloë L Blyth, who has very kindly shared some insights into her books, her writing, and a little behind the scenes of life as an indie author.

But enough from me - take it away, Chloë...


Hi Chloë! Thank you so much for joining me on the blog today, I'm delighted to have you here. Please introduce yourself, and tell us a little about your books.

Hi, I’m Chloë, I’m from the south coast of England and I write fun and twisty action-packed fantasy romance. My trilogy, ‘The Dangers of Dreaming’ is now complete, with the third and final instalment ‘Unity’ just released on 14th April.


Congratulations on your new release! I hope it's gone really well for you. So, that's your most recent work, but why did you start writing?

Writing has always come naturally to me, it’s a part of who I am. I grew up writing stories and attempting (and failing) to keep a regular diary. Whenever my mood was low, I turned to writing. Or reading. My one true love in life is books.


I love that books and writing are such a huge part of who you are. You've clearly written quite a few things, where do you get your ideas?

Anywhere and everywhere. Sometimes from my dreams, sometimes from conversations, sometimes from things I witness in real life or watch on TV. My mind wanders, extending what I’ve seen or heard into the ‘what if’ territory I love. ‘Duplicity’ stemmed from a dream that felt so real I woke up and wondered, ‘what if the person lying next to you could see your dreams too?’ There were so many routes I could take from there!


That's so much fun, and the "what if"s can create the best stories! What’s your favourite thing about writing?

I suppose it’s the freedom. The ability to create stories and express oneself with words is beautiful and addictive, it feeds my soul. When I am writing, particularly a first draft of something, I am at my happiest. I love the feeling of fresh ideas leaking from my mind onto the page. The raw energy. I get so happy, even those around me can feel it.


There really is such a wonderful energy when the words are flowing freely :) What’s your least favourite thing about writing?

There is no bad thing about writing! My least favourite thing is what follows the writing and the editing, it’s the part that comes next (as an Indie Author): the marketing and self-promotion. Yuck!


I think all indie authors (including this one) agree with you on that! So, you've just told use you're an indie author, why did you choose that route to publish your books?

I chose this route because I didn’t want to wait. I wanted to write my books and put them out there for people to enjoy. If people love them and later down the line a big publisher approaches me then great, but if not, at least I won’t have wasted my life waiting; at least some people will have read my books.

I also enjoy the creative freedom. I can choose my own title, my own cover, my own interior formatting, and set my own deadlines – it’s all for me, a passion project working on a childhood dream. I have a boss in my day job, I don’t need one in my dream job too!


The freedom to write what you want, when you want, is really the best. It can be hard going writing and publishing your own work, though. How can readers and friends support indie authors?

I think the most important thing you can do as a reader is tell other readers about the indie books you read, share your reviews online, and talk about them in person. Your enthusiasm can spread and inspire other readers to take a chance on authors they’ve never heard of.

If you’re a friend of an indie author, like and share their posts on social media. And again, talk to people! Even if you’re not a big reader yourself, other people you know might be. You can help your friend’s book be discovered.

The biggest struggle for indie authors is getting our books seen, and that is where readers and friends can really make a difference. Since a lot of us are introverts, I think this is the one time we realise that a big circle of friends would really come in handy!


Yeah, getting the word out there can be a struggle, for sure, and any help in that area is always greatfully recieved! An indie author's work is never done, so tell me: what are you working on at the moment?

Following the recent release of ‘Unity (The Dangers of Dreaming: Book 3)’, readers will soon be discovering there’s a subscriber-exclusive bonus short story to be read next (because I couldn’t resist just one more episode in that universe). So, I’ve just finished working on that.

But, to really answer your question, my mind is already working on my next project. I may have started writing it by the time this email goes out, but for now, it’s just a bunch of ideas in my mind and in notes on my phone. It’s a new standalone story, completely different, but still with fantasy aspects. I want to say more but I think I should hold back for now as I’m known for changing things drastically once I start writing!

I also have a Christmas romance novella that I may or may not finish off in time for Christmas 2023…


The planning stage for a new project is so much fun, especially when anything could happen - and best of luck with your Christmas romance novella! As a self-published author with a bit of experience under your belt, what advice would you give to an aspiring author?

Write what makes you happy. Sure, you might struggle to find your audience later on because you’re not fitting the mould of every other book or forcing yourself to follow a trend, but the satisfaction of writing a book you enjoy will be worth it. There’s that famous quote about writing the book you want to read, and I totally agree. Don’t write for anyone else. Write for you. The readers will find you later.


I love that, and it's so true. Authors sometimes put parts of themselves and their lives into their books - whether they mean to or not! Have any real-life references made it into your books?

Hahaha, are you trying to catch me out? Everything I write is fiction, of course! Although, there are a few rom com references in ‘Duplicity’. I can assure you that none of the dreams in my books are real, and I have never dated a guy in my dreams. LOL. I have also not stated the year these books are set in, so I have not needed to address the pandemic (thank goodness!)


Oh gosh, I can imagine your relief at not having to mention the pandemic in your books! Your third book has just come out, but which of your books would you recommend people start with?

That’s easy, start with ‘Duplicity (The Dangers of Dreaming: Book 1).’ My trilogy really does need to be read in order of publication to be fully appreciated and enjoyed. You would miss some amazing twists if you skipped ahead. In ‘Duplicity,’ you are introduced to the main characters and their special ‘talents’.


Sounds intriguing! And it's always good when a series builds over the course of the books. We're getting towards the end of the interview now, so if people want to find out more, where can they find you online?


Brilliant, thank you. And, where can people find you offline? Do you have any in-person events coming up?

Yes! I am very excited to announce I have a couple of in-person events coming up. I have been very lucky to snag an opportunity to sell my books in Bird & Blend Tea Co. in Brighton on Saturday 13th May (more details coming soon); and I am also attending Authors at the Armouries in Leeds on Saturday 3rd June. You can find out more and buy tickets here:


That's very exciting! I hope they go well for you :) Before you go, do you have any last thoughts you'd like to share with my readers?

Thank you for having me! It’s been a pleasure to share my thoughts and my books with you and your readers.

One thing I would note is that my trilogy is recommended for readers 18+ due to adult themes and some swearing (I tried to be realistic and unfortunately, people swear) but it is not smutty at all, so you don’t need to worry about blushing if you read them on the commute to work!

My books are all available on Kindle (including Kindle Unlimited) and paperback.


Thank you so much to Chloë for joining me and sharing your insights into writing and publishing :)

And thank you, dear reader, for reading. Please make sure to go check out Chloë's books, especially that new release as the first few days a book is live are really so important.

Catch you next time!

Love, Saff xx

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