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You Found The Killer

Left physically and mentally scarred by the accident Mr Iremonger caused, and heartbroken by the loss of his fiancée, Edwin Gouldby gradually learned to put all that behind him and rebuilt his shattered life.


However, when faced with the man who stole so much from him, and realising that Mr Iremonger not only hadn't been punished for his crimes but he hadn't suffered at all, Edwin took matters into his fire-scarred own hands.


A life for a life. It couldn't be wrong, could it?


But, just in case society didn't see it that way, Edwin formed a plan to help him get away with murder.


He was certain that no one would visit the abandoned, supposedly haunted house around the corner from his office, and so chose that at the location of his crime. It was, he felt, likely that the body would go undiscovered for a long time, and considering how Mr Iremonger had been dressed when he came into the offices, Edwin was sure the police wouldn't look too closely at the body - certainly not when it was several weeks old.


However, he didn't expect anyone to take shelter in the abandoned house that evening, nor that Iremonger would hide the blackmail letter and photographs Edwin sent. Panicked by the sound of a homeless person breaking into the building shortly after Mr Iremonger's untimely demise, Edwin crept out, leaving incriminating evidence to be found.


Luckily for Edwin, the police didn't notice the inconsistencies in his story when compared to that of his boss. In fact, they didn't look too closely at Mr Iremonger's death at all following the public backlash at how they'd allowed the man who took so many lives and endangered many more to live within the community, just a street or two from the police station.


Which is why their case file was swiftly consigned to the evidence room, never to be looked at again (until a certain Inspector took another look at it "on a whim" and miraculously "solved" the case, of course. George is now on course for yet another promotion and owes Tommy and co yet another favour or six)

Edwin pleaded Not Guilty on grounds of diminished responsibility, citing another nervous breakdown at the sight of the man who ruined so many parts of his life. He is currently awaiting sentencing.

Congratulations on figuring out the solution!


© 2024 by Saffron Amatti.

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